Den har allt man kan önska sig! =D
T ex. så är den väldigt rolig och har väldigt smart dialog. Väldigt bra karaktärer, både goda och onda och de som är mittemellan. =) De är alla väldigt mänskliga trots att det är en så övernaturlig värld de lever i.
I detta inlägg tänkte jag ta upp Buffy och Faith [the Good and the Bad Slayers]. Blir nog dock om Faith för hon är liiiite intressantare när man jämnför. Även om jag tycker väldigt mycket om Buffy! ;P Buffy är bättre men Faith är coolare. Svårt att välja mellan dom egentligen...

De träffades första gången [i säsong 3, avsnittet "Faith, Hope and Trick"] när Faith dödade [dustade] en vampyr och sen blev Buffy avundsjuk på hennes attityd gentemot dräpandet. Hon verkade så laid back och cool och var väldigt sexuell.
Det visade sig senare att hon försökte bli av med en jäkligt läskig vampyr, vid namn Kakistos, som hade svurit att hämnas på henne.
Hon lyckades ta itu med denne demon och dödade honom med en jättestor träpåle. Efter det blev hon och Buffy vänner och de kom närmare varandra. Men Faith och Buffys relation var inte smärtfri. De hade olika tankesätt. Faith tyckte om dräpandet väldigt mycket och hon var lite av en ensamvarg och gick inte i skolan tillsammans med Buffy och hennes vänner. Buffy hade sin mamma, sina vänner och sin Watcher [fadersfigur] Giles att gå till när det var något problem.
Buffy drogs med av Faiths enkla vägar [Bad Girls].
Faiths motto var: "Want. Take. Have." Enkelt. Men dock inte alltid så positivt.
Hon går även över till den onda sidan efter att hon råkat döda en oskyldig man och inte visar några som helst skuldkänslor och sen får hon en slags faderfigur i den ondskefulla borgmästaren: Mayor Wilkins III som rekryterar henne och efter det går det bara neråt... Hon mördar både oskyldiga människor och demoner och det går till och med så långt att hon och Buffy måste slåss mot varandra i slutet av säsong 3 när hon försökt mörda vampyren Angel [som Buffy älskar]. Buffy vinner fighten och Faith hamnar i koma.
Efter ett par månader vaknar Faith upp ur koman och vill hämnas på Buffy och hennes vänner. Både Buffy och Faith har haft drömmar om den andre och i Faiths mardrömmar är Buffy den onda som förstör hennes liv och som hon måste slåss mot. I Buffys drömmar däremot får hon hjälp av Faith och lite ledtrådar som gör att hon kan slåss vidare.
Faith får en magisk manick som gör att hon och Buffy byter kroppar med varandra och det gör i sin tur så att alla tror att hon är Buffy. Det utnyttjar hon genom att ha sex med Buffys dåvarande pojkvän Riley och sen vill hon försöka vara Buffy. För att hon verkar hata sitt eget liv och det hon gör och har gjort. Men hon blir mer destruktiv när hon tar sig till LA och ger sig på Angel som efter att hon torterat Wesley [hennes egna fd. Watcher] vill att Angel ska döda henne.
Till slut låter hon sig bli övertalad att gå till polisen och erkänna alla sina mord. Hon sitter i fängelset i några år [från säsong 4 och fram till säsong 7]. Där inne blir hon plötsligt attackerad av en kvinna med en märkligt stor kniv och hon bryter sig sedan ut från fängelset när Welsey ber henne om hjälp att rädda Angels liv. Hon känner att hon är skyldig honom det så därför hjälper hon mer än gärna till. Efter att hon hjälpt honom så träffar hon Willow [Buffys bästa vän] som ber henne följa med till Sunnydale [där Buffy bor] och hjälpa till med att slåss mot "the First" [den första och största ondskan som nånsin funnits]. Hon hänger med och hon och Buffy får återförenas.. Dock inte helt smärtfritt. Faith får till och med ta över Buffys roll som ledare över ett helt gäng med potentiella Slayers [tjejer som kan ta över efter Buffy och Faith när de dör] och det visar sig vara svårare än hon anat [trots att det är något hon alltid velat göra]. Faith leder dock ovetandes tjejerna in i en fälla som the First och dennes onde hantlangare Caleb har satt upp i form av en bomb som exploderar. Faith blir medvetslös och de överlevande tjejerna får lov att klara sig själva mot ett gäng hemska vampyrer som kallas för "Turok-Han". Då dyker Buffy upp och räddar dom i sista stund. Faith blir sängliggandes i ungefär en dag eller nåt sånt, Slayers läker ju som tur är väldigt snabbt. ;) Och hon och Buffy pratar lite om att vara Slayers och efter det så blir de lite mer vänskapliga. Kanske inte riktiga vänner men mer än fiender iaf. =)
Från avsnittet REVELATIONS, s3:
BUFFY: I wouldn't use the word 'dating', but I am going out with somebody. Tonight, as a matter of fact.
WILLOW: Really? Who?
FAITH: Yo, what's up? (nudges Buffy's shoulder) Hey, time to motorvate.
BUFFY: (puts her arm around Faith) Really, we're just good friends.
BUFFY: I wouldn't use the word 'dating', but I am going out with somebody. Tonight, as a matter of fact.
WILLOW: Really? Who?
FAITH: Yo, what's up? (nudges Buffy's shoulder) Hey, time to motorvate.
BUFFY: (puts her arm around Faith) Really, we're just good friends.

FAITH (to BUFFY): We're Slayers, girlfriend, the Chosen Two.
FAITH: Hey, slaying's what we were built for. If you're not enjoying it, you're doing something wrong.
BUFFY: Wait. Stop. Think!
FAITH: No, no, no!
BUFFY: You're just gonna go down there. That's your plan.
FAITH: Who said I had a plan? I don't know how many's down there, but I wanna find out. And I'll know when I land. If you don't come in after me, (shrugs and smiles) I might die!
(After they had fight off the vamps)
FAITH: Tell me you don't get off on this!
BUFFY: It didn't suck.
FAITH: (smiles) Hey, girlfriend. Bad time?
BUFFY: What's up?
FAITH: Vampires.
BUFFY: Uh, Faith, unless there's a total eclipse in the next five minutes, it's daylight.
FAITH: Good for us, bad for them. Found a nest.
BUFFY: (smiles) Has potential.
BUFFY (very concerned): Faith, you don't get it. You *killed* a man.
FAITH: No, *you* don't get it. I don't care!
Från avsnittet Graduation Day Part I, s3:
FAITH: Well, look at you. All dressed up in big sister's clothes.
BUFFY: You told me I was just like you. That I was holding it in. (They approach until they're standing face to face.)
FAITH: Ready to cut loose?
BUFFY: Try me.
FAITH: Okay then. Give us a kiss.


FAITH (to BUFFY): Are you protecting vampires? Are you the bad Slayer now? Am I the good Slayer now?
SPIKE: You could do better. School girl thing's old hat.
FAITH: It's all old-hat, man. Every guy's got some whack fantasy. Scratch the surface of any granola-type dude—naughty nurses and horny cheerleaders. I figure, if you can't beat 'em—
SPIKE: Join 'em.
FAITH: Just don't forget who's on top.
SPIKE: That, I suspect, would be you.
FAITH (grins): You got that right. I've met you before, you know.
SPIKE: Yeah, you made a great impression on my chin.
FAITH: Not in the graveyard. Before that. I was kinda wearing a different body.
SPIKE: Pity.
FAITH: You seemed OK with it.
SPIKE: The body swap. With Buffy.
FAITH: She fill you in on that whole deal?
SPIKE: She told me it went down. Failed to mention who was driving her skin around.
FAITH: I may have said a few things...
SPIKE: Like you could ride me at a gallop 'til my knees buckle, squeeze me 'til I pop like warm champagne. That's not the kind of thing a man forgets.
FAITH: Should've known it wasn't blondie behind the wheel. She'd never throw down like that.
SPIKE: Oh, you _have_ been away. (Spike chuckles)
FAITH: Don't even tell me little Miss Tightly-Wound's been getting her naughty on?!
SPIKE: Not of late.
FAITH: Wow. Everybody's just full of surprises.
XANDER (talks about Buffy): I've been through more battles with Buffy than you all can ever imagine. She's stopped everything that's ever come up against her. She's laid down her life—literally—to protect the people around her. This girl has died two times, and she's still standing. You're scared? That's smart. You got questions? You should. But you doubt her motives, you think Buffy's all about the kill, then you take the little bus to battle. I've seen her heart, and this time—_not_ literally. And I'm telling you, right now, she cares more about your lives than you will ever know. You gotta trust her. She's earned it.
FAITH: Damn. I never knew you were that cool.
BUFFY: Well, you always were a little slow.
FAITH: It's all old-hat, man. Every guy's got some whack fantasy. Scratch the surface of any granola-type dude—naughty nurses and horny cheerleaders. I figure, if you can't beat 'em—
SPIKE: Join 'em.
FAITH: Just don't forget who's on top.
SPIKE: That, I suspect, would be you.
FAITH (grins): You got that right. I've met you before, you know.
SPIKE: Yeah, you made a great impression on my chin.
FAITH: Not in the graveyard. Before that. I was kinda wearing a different body.
SPIKE: Pity.
FAITH: You seemed OK with it.
SPIKE: The body swap. With Buffy.
FAITH: She fill you in on that whole deal?
SPIKE: She told me it went down. Failed to mention who was driving her skin around.
FAITH: I may have said a few things...
SPIKE: Like you could ride me at a gallop 'til my knees buckle, squeeze me 'til I pop like warm champagne. That's not the kind of thing a man forgets.
FAITH: Should've known it wasn't blondie behind the wheel. She'd never throw down like that.
SPIKE: Oh, you _have_ been away. (Spike chuckles)
FAITH: Don't even tell me little Miss Tightly-Wound's been getting her naughty on?!
SPIKE: Not of late.
FAITH: Wow. Everybody's just full of surprises.
XANDER (talks about Buffy): I've been through more battles with Buffy than you all can ever imagine. She's stopped everything that's ever come up against her. She's laid down her life—literally—to protect the people around her. This girl has died two times, and she's still standing. You're scared? That's smart. You got questions? You should. But you doubt her motives, you think Buffy's all about the kill, then you take the little bus to battle. I've seen her heart, and this time—_not_ literally. And I'm telling you, right now, she cares more about your lives than you will ever know. You gotta trust her. She's earned it.
FAITH: Damn. I never knew you were that cool.
BUFFY: Well, you always were a little slow.

FAITH (talks about the scythe): It's old. It's strong, and it feels like... like it's mine. (places it on the bed beside her) I guess that means it's yours.
BUFFY: It belongs to the slayer.
FAITH: Slayer in charge, which, I'm guessing, is you.
BUFFY: I honestly don't know. Does it matter?
FAITH: It never mattered to me. Somebody has to lead. Let's vote for Chao-Ahn. It's harder to lead people into a deathtrap if you don't speak English.
BUFFY: It wasn't your fault.
FAITH: I'm really not looking for forgiveness.
BUFFY: You're not?
FAITH: What do you want me to say? I blew it.
BUFFY: You didn't blow it.
FAITH: Tell that to—
BUFFY: People die. You lead them into battle, they're gonna die. It doesn't matter how ready you are or how smart you are. War is about death. Needless, stupid death.
FAITH: So, here's the laugh riot. My whole life I've been a loner.
BUFFY: That's the funny part? Did I miss something?
FAITH: I'm trying to—
BUFFY: Sorry. Sorry. Go.
FAITH: No ties, no buddies, no relationships that lasted longer than... well, Robin lasted pretty long. (grins) Boy's got stamina.
BUFFY: Principal Wood? And you? And in my—
FAITH: Don't tell me you two got wriggly.
BUFFY: No. No. No, no. We're just good friends. Or mortal enemies, depending on which day of the—was that the funny part?
FAITH: OK. The point. Me, by myself all the time. I'm looking at you, everything you have, and, I don't know, jealous. Then there I am. Everybody's looking to me, trusting me to lead them, and I've never felt so alone in my entire life.
BUFFY: Yeah.
FAITH: And that's you every day, isn't it?
BUFFY: I love my friends. I'm very grateful for them. But that's the price. Being a slayer.
FAITH: There's only supposed to be one. Maybe that's why you and I can never get along. We're not supposed to exist together.
BUFFY: Also, you went evil and were killing people.
FAITH: Good point. Also a factor. (nods)
BUFFY: But you're right. I mean, I... I guess everyone's alone. But being a Slayer? There's a burden we can't share.
FAITH: And no one else can feel it. (beat) Thank God we're hot chicks with superpowers.
BUFFY: Takes the edge off.
FAITH: Comforting.



Gud vad jag älskar dig!