
*~CALLISTO - My Favorite Villian in XENA!~*

Callisto aka "Psycho Barbie" from XENA: WARRIOR PRINCESS!
Xena's archnemesis/archenemy is played by the talanted actress Hudson Leick [pronounced: "lajk" and NOT "lejk"].
Hudson Leick has played both Callisto and Xena [in Callisto's body for 2 episodes].
She's been in 12 episodes all-in-all ^^

She's oh, so good when she's bad! ;)

"I'm good, as good as you. Why not? You [Xena] made me."
- Callisto

"The sight, just the *sight*, of Xena, Warrior Princess arguing on *my* behalf amuses me, so let me tell you. Let me answer your question about what I'd do if you let me go. You let me go, and I'll dedicate my life to killing everything you love. Your friends, your family, your reputation - even your horse. I'm being so honest with you, because the idea of your pity is worse than death for me. You see, you created a monster with integrity, Xena. Scary, isn't it?"
- Callisto

XENA: Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you without a fair trial.
CALLISTO: You know, there used to be a little respect mixed up in my hatred for you... but not anymore. Your petty scruples are embarrassing. As a villian, you were awesome. As a hero, you're a sentimental fool.

"I'm in a way disappointed Xena. There was a part of me that hoped that you would win and put out the rage in my heart. Sometimes it even scares me...but then I get over it."
- Callisto

Musicvideo: "Callisto - Pain" By 3 Days Grace.

"Xena Convention 2009 Hudson Leick... really funny!"

- Hudson

"Hudson Leick - Xena Convention 2009"
Hudson Leick is being funny and she lets the audience scream first and then doing the Callisto scream herself on the 14th Xena Convention in LA!

"OMG, are you dead?! WAKE UP ALREADY!"
- Hudson

"Hudson Leick is doing the Callisto scream at Xena Convention 2009" [Better quality and closer to the stage and Hudson!]

"My show. My stage. You, SILENCE."
- Hudson [to the abnoxious woman who interrupted her]

2 kommentarer:

  1. hudson leick är en av de snyggaste varelser som vandrat på jorden!

  2. Oh ja!!! *nickar medhållande*
    Jag vill också se henne IRL nån gång innan hon slutar vara med på X:WP Conventions!
    Hon är ju så jävla rolig och het! ^^
