
*~PRIDE!, HERE I COME.. eller ja SNART!~*

Har precis beställt tågbiljett ner till Stockholm [och bussbiljett hem igen] under PRIDE-HELGEN [fre-sön]! ;D

Jag får bo hos Kat. Hon är så snäll. Det ska bli jävligt kul att få träffa alla "mina" flator och bögar igen! Saknar er alla!!!!

Det ska bli så skoj! PARTY!
Det är bara så väldigt synd att min älskling inte kan följa med ner i år...
Jag kommer ju att vilja hångla! ;)
Men jag får väl kanske hångla med nån annan... haha! ^^

[S.5, Ep: Checkpoint]
WILLOW: Questions, great.
TARA: Well, we can answer questions.
NIGEL: Good. I need to know a little bit more about the Slayer, and about the both of you. Your relationship, whatever you can tell me.
TARA: O-o-our relationship?
WILLOW: We're friends.
TARA: Good friends.
WILLOW: Girlfriends, actually.
TARA: Yes, we're girlfriends.
WILLOW: We're in love. We're... lovers. (puts hand on Tara's knee) We're lesbian, gay-type lovers.
NIGEL: I meant your relationship with the Slayer.

[S.7, Ep: The Killer In Me]
KENNEDY: Let's start with the easy stuff. How long have you known? That you're gay.
WILLOW: Wait. That's easy? And you just assume that I'm—I'm gay. I mean, presume much?
KENNEDY: (grins) OK. How long have you enjoyed having sex with women?
WILLOW: Hey! (Kennedy chuckles) What you think you have some special lesbidar or something?
KENNEDY: OK, you know there's a better word for that, right? You really haven't been getting out there much, have you?
WILLOW: Well, I just—can you always tell just—just by looking at someone?
KENNEDY: No. No, of course not. That wouldn't be any fun. The fun part is the process of—of getting to know a girl. It's like—it's like flirting in code. It's using body language and laughing at the right jokes and—and looking into her eyes and knowing she's still whispering to you, even when she's not saying a word. And that sense that if you can just touch her just once everything will be OK for both of you. That's how you can tell. Or if she's really hot, you just get her drunk—see if she comes on to you.
WILLOW: Three years ago. That's when I knew. And it wasn't women, it was woman. Just one.
KENNEDY: Lucky woman.

[S. 7: Ep: First Date]
XANDER: Come on, let's get this gay show on the gay road!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Jag ser en som längtar till PRIDEN! ;-)
    Hade också velat åkt på den... men nån gång SKA jag komma iväg. Det har jag lovat mig själv =) hoppas allt är bra med dig gumman!
    Hoppas du får kul där borta!

    Puss o kram !

