
*~So the world didn't end, huh?~*

Det har ju varit nån gubbe (Harold Camping) som sagt att jorden skulle gå under (apokalypsen var här) tidigare idag (vid 03.00, svensk tid). But we're still here! Disappointed... Lol!
Han fick ju inte rätt men han fått mycket publicitet så jag gissar att det bara var ett PR-trick! ;)

Min främsta hjältinna (jag har ju flera) är, som ni vet, Buffy the Vampire Slayer och hon var inte obekant med olika profetior eller apokalypser direkt! ;)

If the apocalypse comes, beep me.
BUFFY: What if the quake was a sign? Ah, a bad omen and we just ignore it? There is going to be a lot of red faces when the world comes to an end.
GILES: It's the end of the world.
GILES: It's ah, the earthquake, - that symbol, -yes.
BUFFY: I told you. I-I said end of the world and you're like; poo-poo southern California, poo-poo!

XANDER (puts an arm around Spike's shoulder as they walk towards the steps): Think of the happy. If we don't find what we're looking for, we face an apocalypse.
SPIKE: Really? You're not just saying that?

RILEY: Buffy. When I saw you stop the world from, you know, ending, I just assumed that was a big week for you. It turns out I suddenly find myself needing to know the plural of apocalypse.

BUFFY: This is how many apocalypses for us now?
GILES: Oh, uh, well... six, at least. Feels like a hundred.
BUFFY: I've always stopped them. Always won.

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